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Photo of the publication cover. Strategic Plan FY14-FY16 (PHA Application) Accreditation - Plan May 17, 2013

A roadmap for the agency on how to remain a vital part of an effective health system today and into the future. In order to achieve this purpose, we must commit to doing all we can to ensure that there is an adequate and competent workforce, and that we are collaborating with our partners to create community environments that promote healthy lifestyles and the prevention of injury and disease.

Photo of the publication cover. State Health Improvement Plan 2014-2016 (PHA Application) Accreditation - Plan May 17, 2013

This is an exciting time for public health in New Mexico. We have the opportunity to assure that we are using the best and most appropriate evidence-based interventions available to address the significant public health challenges confronting the State.

Photo of the publication cover. Suicide Prevention National Strategic Plan 2012 Suicide Prevention - Plan September 1, 2012

Reducing the number of suicides requires the engagement and commitment of people in many sectors in and outside of government, including public health, mental health, health care, the Armed Forces, business, entertainment, media, and education. This update of the strategy drew on suicide prevention experts from all these sectors.

Photo of the publication cover. Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention Plan Healthcare-Associated Infections - Plan January 1, 2010

In response to the increasing concerns about the public health impact of healthcare-associated infections, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has developed an Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections. The Action Plan includes recommendations for surveillance, research, communication and metrics for measuring progress towards national goals.

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