Page Replacements for DD Waiver Service Standards Effective Date: 12-15-2023
Regarding Intake Tracking in Therap
Revised DD Waiver Service Standards Effective Date: 11-1-2023
PCG Provider Capacity Assessment Report
Electronic Census Requirements in Therap
Mandatory Use of Therap for Behavior Support Documentation
Response to PCG Rate Study Public Comments - 09/07/2023
DD Waiver Service Standards Draft-Snapshot of Edits
DD Waiver Service Standards-Draft
Preview of DD Waiver Service Standards Edits and Opportunity for Feedback
Clarification of Expectations for the Collaborative-Consultative (C-C) Model (2021 DDW Standards section 12.4.2)
DD Waiver Standards Chapter 22.4: Preparation of an Annual Report
The New Mexico Department of Health (DOH), Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD or the Division) operates New Mexico’s four 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid Waiver programs, including the Developmental Disabilities Waiver, the Medically Fragile Waiver, the Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver, and the Supports Waiver.
Regional Office Request for Assistance (RORA)- Provider Shortages
Developmental Disabilities Waiver Budget Transitions from the University of New Mexico (UNM) Outside Reviewer (OR) to the Medicaid Third Party Assessor (TPA)
Master List of Definitions 2023
Stakeholder engagement and participation is critical, and required, to ensure we capture the information needed to make the best decisions for the Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division service delivery system for the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver, Mi Via (MV) Waiver and the Medically Fragile (MF) Waiver.
NM ACQ Subcommittee Initial PowerPoint
NM ACQ Mathematical Rate Study PowerPoint
For any question not answered here, please contact Public Consulting Group via email or phone at or (833) 528-1736.