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Home News Department of Health, State Immunization Program Provides Families Access to Their Immunization Records
David Morgan
575-528-5197 Office
575-649-0754 Mobile

Department of Health, State Immunization Program Provides Families Access to Their Immunization Records

October 2, 2019 - Immunization - Information

Department of Health, State Immunization Program Provides Families Access to Their Immunization Records

The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), in partnership with the New Mexico Immunization Program announce the launch of VaxViewNM, a new public portal for the New Mexico Statewide Immunization Information System (NMSIIS). For the first time, parents and guardians will have access to official immunization records. allows families to see, save and print their child’s immunization records without a doctor’s office visit; and eliminates the need to carry multiple or outdated documents. The portal is accessible on both desktops and mobile devices.

First time visitors will be required to enter initial information such as patient name, date of birth, gender, their relationship to the patient and contact information. The user will then request a validation code via text messaging or email. After receiving and entering the validation code, the immunization record will open in a new window.

(Note: If any of the information isn’t an exact match to the information that is in NMSIIS, the record won’t open. Users may need to contact their provider’s office to ensure their information has been entered into the system correctly. Users can also complete the VaxViewNM Demographic and Contact Information Form and mail it to the Department of Health Immunization Program to have their information updated.) See mailing address on form.

The secure portal uses a two-factor authentication via text messaging or email to validate the patient, parent, or guardian’s identity before allowing access. After three unsuccessful attempts to find the immunization record, the system will lock the user out for 30 minutes. 

For more information on, contact the NMSIIS help desk at (833) 882-6454 or (505) 827-2356.


Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Morgan at 575-528-5197 (Office) or 575-649-0754 (Mobile) with your questions.

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Departamento de Salud, Programa de Inmunización Estatal Ofrece a las Familias Acceso a sus Archivos de Inmunización