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Home News Chris Emory: Emergency Health Management during COVID-19
Lealia Nelson
505-827-2184 Office

Chris Emory: Emergency Health Management during COVID-19

April 9, 2020 - Public Relations - Blog

Chris Emory

Chris Emory is the Bureau Chief for the Bureau of Health Emergency Management (BHEM), with the Epidemiology and response Division, at the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH). For nearly six years, Chris has helped move NMDOH and the state forward in emergency planning and preparedness. These skills are invaluable any time, but especially now during the COVID-19 response as we work together to flatten the curve and stop the spread of this disease.

Difficult decisions are being made to protect the people of New Mexico including our elderly and medically fragile,” Chris said. “We also want to relieve the burden on the healthcare system, so hospitals can continue to treat patients.

Responding to COVID-19 and other emergencies requires strategic collaboration. Our partners include: tribal leaders, healthcare organizations and providers, pharmacies, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and Fire departments, emergency management, law enforcement, military, and private sector partners. These partners are critical for emergency planning and preparedness.

It is crucial to understand where gaps in preparedness exist and how to overcome them,” Chris said. “We do this by anticipating our best moves forward and taking swift action.

Chris was first introduced to emergency preparedness during Hurricane Katrina, as part of the critical care air transport military team. He worked closely with deployed preparedness personnel from North Carolina and was a lead responder for H1N1. In New Mexico, he worked on the Ebola preparedness and Zika response teams.

As BHEM Bureau Chief, Chris is responsible for the Department of Health Emergency Operations Center (DOC). The DOC works in tandem with the State Emergency Operations Center, as the strategic and operational hub for managing healthcare communications and coordinating healthcare facility resource requests and distribution, during all phases of COVID-19. NMDOH is grateful for Chris’s knowledge, expertise, and leadership during this pandemic.

The New Mexico Department of Health will continue to monitor and respond to COVID-19 as the situation evolves. Chris and the BHEM team, along with so many NMDOH employees, continue to work around the clock during this global pandemic. We urge everyone to take the Executive and Public Health Orders seriously. Every New Mexican is needed to fight this disease. Please help us help you. Stay home and stop the spread. You could save a life. 

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact Lealia Nelson at 505-827-2184 (Office) with your questions.

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Chris Emory: Manejo de Emergencia de Salud durante COVID-19