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Home News State’s Family Connects home visiting program achieves national certification
David Barre
(505) 699-9237 Office

State’s Family Connects home visiting program achieves national certification

March 18, 2024 - Maternal Health - Awareness

SANTA FE, NM – Today, the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) and New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) announced that their light touch nurse home visiting program, Family Connects New Mexico (FCNM) earned certification through Family Connects International only a year after launching. Family Connects is an evidence-based, no-cost service that offers nurse home visits and support for caregivers and their babies during the first 12 weeks of life. Family Connects New Mexico is currently funded through ECECD and implemented by DOH. 

“As we strive to make New Mexico the healthiest state by 2040, Family Connects embodies our commitment to equitable healthcare access,” said NMDOH Sec. Patrick Allen. “Regardless of background, every family deserves the support they need to thrive, starting with newborns and their families.” 

“Having successfully implemented this model in Bernalillo County, ECECD and DOH are partnering to expand this program statewide,” said ECECD Cabinet Sec. Elizabeth Groginsky. “Every parent and caregiver can benefit from having a home visit from a registered nurse when a new baby arrives, and Family Connects is also a great entry point for families to get connected to longer-term home visiting models, early intervention services, childcare and other supports requested by families.” 

Family Connects New Mexico launched its pilot home visiting program in January 2023, initially available to patients who are residents of Bernalillo County, who receive prenatal care at the Eubank women’s Health clinic, and who deliver their baby at UNM Hospital. After giving birth, participating families receive a home visit from a registered nurse around three weeks postpartum to check on the health and well-being of the baby, mom, and whole family. Based on need, participating families may receive up to two more nurse visits. 

As an evidence-based home visiting model, participation in Family Connects has been shown in multiple studies to decrease infant emergency room and hospital visits, reduce postpartum depressions/anxiety, improve home environments, increase positive parenting behaviors, and provide a host of other benefits to both caregivers and their babies. 

“We have a deep-seated belief that children and families thrive at home with support from quality home visitation programs,” said Maria Elena Maestas, Coalition Coordinator for the Bernalillo County Home Visting Work Group.  “Family Connects New Mexico is a strong partner within the Home Visiting work group where collaboration and trust is our foundation.  FCNM is the first step to long-term family support, and staff have been connecting and referring local families to a range of programs and services that are key to their health and well-being.” 

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El programa de visitas a domicilio Family Connects de Nuevo México obtiene la certificación nacional