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Home News Bat tests positive for rabies in Eddy County
David Barre
(505) 699-9237 Office

Bat tests positive for rabies in Eddy County

May 17, 2023 - Public Health - Awareness

SANTA FE — A bat found in an Artesia resident’s backyard has tested positive for rabies. There was no human exposure, but a dog interacted with the bat. This is the first rabid animal detected in Eddy County since 2018.  

The New Mexico Department of Health has been unable to reach the owner of the exposed dog; we request that the person who submitted this bat for testing call (505) 827-0006 immediately so that we can ensure that their dog receives the necessary care and rabies booster to protect the dog and family. 

Bats are the leading cause of rabies deaths in people in the United States. Any bat that allows you to approach it, is unable to fly, is active during the day, or is found in an unusual place may be sick or rabid. Bat bites can be very small and are not always visible. Anyone who has direct contact with a bat, or who finds a bat in the room where they were sleeping or where a child was unattended, should talk to a healthcare professional about their risk and if rabies shots are recommended. Ensuring your dogs and cats are up to date on rabies boosters is the best way to protect them if they encounter a rabid wild animal. 

If you see a sick or dead wild animal, or a wild animal acting abnormally, report it to your local animal control authorities or the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish at (888) 248-6866.  

The Department of Health recommends the following to keep you and your family safe from rabies:  

Always keep pets on a leash. Pets should be up to date on rabies vaccinations and wearing current license tags on their collar. If your cat or dog has been bitten or scratched, especially by a wild animal, call your pet’s veterinarian even if the wound is superficial.  
Horses and other livestock should also be considered for rabies vaccination to protect them from rabid animals that may attack them.  
Stay away from wild or unfamiliar animals. Do not attempt to feed, approach, or touch wild animals (alive or dead). Teach this important message to your children and always keep a close eye on your kids.  

If you or someone you know are bitten by an animal, or come into contact with an animal’s saliva, wash the exposed site immediately with soap and water. Be sure to report the bite to local animal control and seek medical care as soon as possible.   
If you or your pets are bitten or otherwise exposed to the saliva of wild animals, seek medical care immediately and contact the New Mexico Department of Health at (505) 827-0006.  

The New Mexico Department of Health has been unable to reach the owner of the exposed dog; we request that the person who submitted this bat for testing call (505) 827-0006 immediately so that we can ensure that their dog receives the necessary care and rabies booster to protect the dog and family. 

For more info about rabies see the New Mexico Department of Health website at:   

Media Contact

We would be happy to provide additional information about this press release. Simply contact David Barre at (505) 699-9237 (Office) with your questions.

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Murciélago da positivo a la rabia en el condado de Eddy