Manual for Investigation and Control of Selected Communicable Diseases in New Mexico
All information compiled, edited and translated into Spanish by staff of the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Bureau within the Center for Health Protection of the New Mexico Department of Health
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) personnel working on the prevention and control of selected infectious diseases of public health significance. In addition to chapters providing condition-specific information, Appendices 1-8 provide additional reference material.
- Specific circumstances surrounding a public health incident or notifiable condition may require modification of recommendations provided in this manual.
- Alternative diagnoses may need to be considered when determining case status.
- There may be additional or updated information available from other sources since this manual was last updated.
- Therapy sections are only meant to provide general background information, are subject to change, and should not be used for any decision-making purposes which are left exclusively to health care providers.
The Center for Health Protection is responsible for directing investigations of specified infectious diseases and outbreaks that may impact the public. NMDOH staff, including those with clinical licenses, epidemiologists, disease prevention specialists, and others coordinate investigations with employees of other state agencies, local environment departments, tribal nations and agencies that serve them, healthcare personnel, and others as indicated. NMDOH has the capacity to conduct multiple investigations of specified infectious diseases and outbreaks simultaneously and each situation is analyzed on a case- by-case basis through situational analysis teams and processes.
Consultation with an epidemiologist in the Center for Health Protection is available 24 hours per day/7 days per week/365 days per year by calling 833-796-8773.
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Chapters and Factsheets
CD Manual - Acute Flaccid Myelitis Antibiotics
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Bed Bugs
CD Manual - Botulism
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CD Manual - Campylobacteriosis
CD Manual - Carbapenam-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
CD Manual - Child Care Settings
- Head Lice Factsheet (English)
- Piojos Factsheet (Spanish)
- Herpes Factsheet (English)
- Virus del Herpes Factsheet (Spanish)
- Impetigo Factsheet (English)
- Impétigo Factsheet (Spanish)
- Ringworm Factsheet (English)
- Tiña Factsheet (Spanish)
- Scabies Factsheet (English)
- Sarna Factsheet (Spanish)
- Fifth Disease Factsheet (English)
- Quinta Enfermedad (Spanish)
- Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease Factsheet (English)
- Enfermedad De Mano-Pie-Boca Factsheet (Spanish)
- Conjunctivitis Factsheet (English)
- Conjuntivitis Factsheet (Spanish)
- Acute Viral URI Factsheet (English)
- Infecciones Respiratorias Virales Agudas Factsheet (Spanish)
- Non-invasive Group A Streptococcus Factsheet (English)
- Estreptococo Grupo A No-invasivo Factsheet (Spanish)
- Viral Meningitis Factsheet (English)
- Meningitis Viral Factsheet (Spanish)
CD Manual - Cholera
CD Manual - Clostridium Difficile
CD Manual - COVID-19
CD Manual - Cryptosporidiosis
CD Manual - Cyclosporiasis
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CD Manual - Diphtheria
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CD Manual - E. coli Shiga Toxin-Producing (STEC) Infections
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CD Manual - Giardiasis
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CD Manual - Haemophilus Influenzae Invasive Disease
CD Manual - Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
CD Manual - Hepatitis A
CD Manual - Hepatitis B
CD Manual - Hepatitis C
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CD Manual - Influenza
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CD Manual - Legionellosis
CD Manual - Listeriosis
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CD Manual - Measles (Rubeola)
CD Manual - Meningococcal Disease
CD Manual - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Factsheet (English)
- El Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a la Meticilina (SARM) Factsheet (Spanish)
CD Manual - Monkey Bites - Herpes B virus
CD Manual - Monkey Pox
CD Manual - Mosquito-borne Viral Encephalitides
- West Nile Virus Factsheet (English)
- El Virus del Nilo Occidental Factsheet (Spanish)
- Zika Factsheet (English)
- Zika Factsheet (Spanish)
CD Manual - Mumps
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CD Manual - Noncholera Vibrio Infections
CD Manual - Norovirus Infections
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CD Manual - Pertussis
CD Manual - Plague
CD Manual – Pneumococcal Disease
CD Manual - Poliovirus
CD Manual - Pseudomonas
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CD Manual - Rabies
CD Manual - Rubella (German Measles)
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CD Manual - Salmonellosis (nontyphoid)
CD Manual - Shigellosis
CD Manual - Streptococcal Infections (Invasive Group A)
- Invasive Group A Streptococcus Factsheet (English)
- Estreptococo Grupo A Invasivo Factsheet (Spanish)
CD Manual - Streptococcal Infections (Invasive Group B)
- Invasive Group B Streptococcus Factsheet (English)
- Estreptococo Grupo B Invasivo Factsheet (Spanish)
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CD Manual - Tetanus
CD Manual - Tularemia
CD Manual - Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fevers (Salmonella Typhi, Paratyphi A and B)
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CD Manual - Varicella-Zoster Infections (Chickenpox and Shingles)
- Chickenpox Factsheet (English)
- Varicela Factsheet (Spanish)
- Shingles Factsheet (English)
- Culebrilla Factsheet (Spanish)
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CD Appendix 1 - Table of Foodborne Illnesses and Associated Clinical Characteristics
CD Appendix 2 - Stool Specimen and Enteric Organism Transport
CD Appendix 3 - List of Notifiable Conditions in New Mexico
CD Appendix 4 - Overview of Infection Control Precautions
CD Appendix 5 - Guidelines for Public Health Investigations for Regional and Local Offices
CD Appendix 6 - NMDOH ERD Case Investigation Forms
CD Appendix 7 - Sample Child Care Notification Letters to Parents
CD Appendix 8 - Food Handler and Daycare Worker Exclusion Criteria
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